What is a TMP file & how do I open a TMP file (Temporary File)?

.TMP (Temporary File) - File Extension

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What is a TMP file?

A TMP file is a temporary file that is created by a computer program to store information temporarily while the program is running. TMP files are commonly used by software applications to store data that is being processed, such as a document that a user is editing or a spreadsheet that is being calculated. Once the program is closed, the TMP file is typically deleted.

TMP files are often used as a temporary storage location for data that is being converted from one format to another. For example, if a user is converting a Word document to a PDF file, the program might create a TMP file to store the data from the Word document while it is being converted. Once the conversion is complete, the TMP file is typically deleted.

TMP files are also commonly referred to as “temp files” or “temporary files.” All of these terms refer to the same kind of file, which is a file that a computer program uses to temporarily store data.

How to open a TMP file

It is not recommended to open a TMP file manually, since TMP files are typically used by a program to store temporary data and are not intended to be opened by a user. If you try to open a TMP file, you may see gibberish or other nonsensical characters, since TMP files often contain raw, unformatted data.

Software Compatible With The TMP File Type
Temporary File

In this section you will find a list of the best programs compatible with the TMP file type. We've selected the best software for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux to open, edit, convert and view the contents of TMP files.