What is an ADI file & how do I open an ADI file (AOMEI Backupper Disk Backup File)?

.ADI (AOMEI Backupper Disk Backup File) - File Extension

Developer: AOMEI

What is an ADI file?

An ADI file is a backup of a hard disk created by AOMEI Backupper.

It serves as a snapshot of the entire contents of a disk, including the operating system, applications, and user data.

This file extension is primarily used for backup and recovery purposes, providing users with a way to safeguard their important data and restore it in the event of hardware failure, data corruption, or accidental deletion.

How to open an ADI file

To open an ADI file, you typically need to use AOMEI Backupper software.

Once the software is installed on your computer, you can simply double-click the ADI file to open it within the program.

Alternatively, you can launch AOMEI Backupper and use the “Restore” feature to browse for and select the ADI file you wish to open.

How to convert an ADI File

Converting an ADI file to other formats or vice versa is not a common practice, as ADI files are specific to AOMEI Backupper.

But if you need to extract data from an ADI file, you can use AOMEI Backupper to restore the backup to a physical hard disk or create a virtual disk from the ADI file.

Conversely, if you need to create a backup in a different format, such as ISO or VHD, AOMEI Backupper provides options to convert backups to these formats.

Security Considerations: Are “.ADI” Files Safe?

ADI files created by AOMEI Backupper are generally safe, as they are used for backup and recovery purposes rather than malicious intent.

But keep in mind that like any other file type, ADI files can potentially be manipulated or corrupted if not handled properly.

It’s essential to store ADI files in secure locations and regularly verify their integrity to ensure they remain reliable for restoring data.

Format Details for ADI Files

ADI files are proprietary disk image files created by AOMEI Backupper.

They contain an exact copy of the contents of a hard disk, including the file system, partition structure, and data.

The format of ADI files is optimized for efficient backup and recovery operations, allowing users to quickly restore their systems to a previous state in the event of data loss or system failure.

Uses and Applications of ADI Files

ADI files are primarily used for backup and recovery purposes, providing users with a reliable way to protect their data and system configurations.

They are commonly used by individuals, businesses, and IT professionals to create full system backups, clone hard disks, and migrate operating systems to new hardware.

Also, ADI files can be used to create virtual machines for testing purposes or to run legacy software in a virtualized environment.

Associated Software Programs

The primary software program associated with ADI files is AOMEI Backupper, which is used to create, open, and restore backups in the ADI format.

AOMEI Backupper is available for Windows users and offers a range of features for disk imaging, cloning, and backup scheduling.

While there are other backup and recovery programs available, they may not support the ADI file format natively.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ADI Files


  • Comprehensive backup solution for entire hard disks.
  • Fast and efficient backup and recovery operations.
  • Support for incremental and differential backups to save storage space.
  • Integration with AOMEI Backupper’s suite of tools for disk management and system maintenance.


  • Proprietary file format may limit compatibility with other software.
  • Large file size compared to individual file backups.
  • Limited options for converting or extracting data from ADI files.


Compared to other disk image formats like ISO or VHD, ADI files offer similar functionality but are optimized for use with AOMEI Backupper.

While ISO and VHD files are more widely supported across different software platforms, ADI files provide tighter integration with AOMEI Backupper’s features and may offer better performance for backup and recovery tasks.

Troubleshooting ADI Files

If you encounter problems opening or restoring an ADI file with AOMEI Backupper, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure that you’re using the latest version of AOMEI Backupper, as updates may include bug fixes and compatibility improvements.
  2. Check the integrity of the ADI file by verifying its checksum or running a file system check.
  3. If the ADI file is corrupted, try creating a new backup or restoring from a different backup source.
  4. Contact AOMEI Backupper support for assistance if you continue to experience issues with ADI files.

History of the ADI File Extension

The ADI file extension was introduced by AOMEI Backupper as part of its backup and recovery solution for Windows users.

AOMEI Backupper was first released in 2012 and has since become one of the leading backup software programs on the market, known for its user-friendly interface and robust features.

The ADI file format was designed to provide users with a reliable way to create and restore disk backups, helping them protect their data and system configurations from loss or damage.

Tips and Tricks for ADI Files

  • Regularly schedule backups to ensure that your data is protected against hardware failures, data corruption, and other potential threats.
  • Store ADI files in secure locations, such as external hard drives or cloud storage services, to prevent data loss in the event of a disaster.
  • Test your backup and recovery processes regularly to verify that ADI files can be successfully restored when needed.
  • Consider using encryption and password protection to secure sensitive data stored in ADI files against unauthorized access.

Storage and Deployment Options

ADI files offer flexibility in how they can be stored and deployed, providing users with various options to suit their specific needs:

Local Storage: ADI files can be stored locally on external hard drives, USB flash drives, or network-attached storage (NAS) devices. This allows users to have direct access to their backups without relying on an internet connection.

Cloud Storage: Many cloud storage providers support the storage of ADI files, allowing users to upload their backups to the cloud for added redundancy and accessibility. This enables users to access their backups from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for remote or mobile users.

Deployment Options: ADI files can be deployed in multiple ways, depending on the user’s requirements. They can be restored to the original hardware configuration, transferred to a new hard disk or computer, or used to create virtual machines for testing or development purposes.

Backup Scheduling: AOMEI Backupper offers flexible backup scheduling options, allowing users to automate the backup process according to their preferred frequency and timing. This ensures that backups are performed regularly without manual intervention, reducing the risk of data loss due to human error or negligence.

Data Compression and Encryption

To optimize storage space and enhance security, AOMEI Backupper offers built-in support for data compression and encryption when creating ADI files:

Data Compression: ADI files can be compressed to reduce their size, allowing users to store more backups within limited storage capacity. AOMEI Backupper uses advanced compression algorithms to minimize the size of ADI files without compromising data integrity.

Encryption: Users can encrypt ADI files with password protection to prevent unauthorized access to their backups. AOMEI Backupper uses strong encryption algorithms to safeguard sensitive data stored within ADI files, ensuring confidentiality and privacy.

If you leverage these storage and deployment options, you can effectively manage their backups and protect their data against loss or theft. Whether storing backups locally or in the cloud, and whether deploying backups to physical or virtual environments, ADI files offer a versatile solution for backup and recovery needs.


The ADI file extension is a valuable tool for Windows users looking to protect their data and system configurations from loss or damage.

Created by AOMEI Backupper, ADI files serve as comprehensive backups of entire hard disks, offering fast and efficient backup and recovery operations.

While ADI files may have some limitations compared to other disk image formats, such as proprietary compatibility with AOMEI Backupper, they remain a popular choice for users seeking reliable backup solutions.

Software Compatible With The ADI File Type
AOMEI Backupper Disk Backup File

In this section you will find a list of the best programs compatible with the ADI file type. We've selected the best software for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux to open, edit, convert and view the contents of ADI files.