What is a WPROJ file & how do I open a WPROJ file (Wwise Project File)?

.WPROJ (Wwise Project File) - File Extension

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Developer: Audiokinetic
File format: XML

What is a WPROJ file?

A WPROJ file is a project file used by Wwise, a professional audio development tool for creating interactive audio for video games and other interactive media. 

The WPROJ file stores information about the audio assets and project settings for a specific Wwise project, including the audio files, sound events, and interactions with other elements in the project. Wwise, which is available for both Windows and Mac, can be used to open and change WPROJ files.

More information

Wwise (short for “Wwise sound engine”) is a professional audio development tool created by Audiokinetic. It is used by audio designers, sound engineers, and developers to create interactive audio experiences for video games and other interactive media.

Wwise is a powerful and flexible software that allows users to design, create, and manage audio content for interactive projects. It features a wide range of tools and features for creating and manipulating audio, including audio file import and export, sound event creation and management, and interactive audio scripting.

Wwise also includes a built-in audio engine that can play back audio files in real-time, allowing users to preview their audio content as they work. It also includes tools for integrating audio into other elements of a project, such as animations and visual effects.

Wwise is an essential tool for professionals working in the field of interactive audio and is widely used in the video game industry and beyond.

Software Compatible With The WPROJ File Type
Wwise Project File

In this section you will find a list of the best programs compatible with the WPROJ file type. We've selected the best software for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux to open, edit, convert and view the contents of WPROJ files.