What is a VSQ file & how do I open a VSQ file (VOCALOID2 Project File)?

.VSQ (VOCALOID2 Project File) - File Extension

Developer: YAMAHA

What is a VSQ File?

A VSQ file, short for “VOCALOID Sequence,” is a project file created by VOCALOID2, a widely used software program for generating synthesized vocals.

At its core, a VSQ file serves as a blueprint for creating vocal melodies, containing both musical notes and the corresponding lyrics that are to be emulated by a synthesized voice.

It’s essentially digital sheet music that not only instructs the pitches and rhythms but also details the words to be sung, allowing for the creation of lifelike vocal performances.

How to Open a VSQ File

Opening a VSQ file is straightforward, provided you have the necessary software. Here are the steps to open a VSQ file:

  1. Install VOCALOID2: If you don’t already have it, download and install VOCALOID2, the software that is specifically designed to work with VSQ files.
  2. Launch VOCALOID2: After installation, open the VOCALOID2 program.
  3. Load the VSQ File: In the VOCALOID2 interface, go to the “File” menu and select “Open.” Browse your computer for the desired VSQ file and select it.
  4. Edit and Play: Once the VSQ file is loaded, you can edit and play the synthesized vocal track within the software.

How to Convert a VSQ File

Converting VSQ files to other formats or vice versa can be tricky due to their unique nature. However, it’s possible to export the synthesized vocals to audio formats like MP3 or WAV within VOCALOID2. Here’s how:

  1. Open the VSQ File: Follow the steps mentioned earlier to open your VSQ file in VOCALOID2.
  2. Export as Audio: Once your project is ready, go to the “File” menu again, but this time select “Export.” Choose the audio format you prefer (MP3, WAV, etc.) and specify the export settings.
  3. Save the Audio File: After configuring the export settings, click “Save” to convert and save your VSQ project as an audio file.

Bear in mind that converting from VSQ to other formats may result in some loss of flexibility, as you won’t be able to edit individual notes and lyrics as easily.

Security Considerations: Are “.VSQ” Files Safe?

VSQ files themselves are generally safe, as they are simply project files used for music composition. However, it’s essential to be cautious when downloading VSQ files from untrusted sources.

Like any other file type, malicious software can be disguised with a “.VSQ” extension. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure the authenticity of the source when downloading VSQ files online.

Format Details for VSQ Files

VSQ files are specific to the VOCALOID2 software, and their format is proprietary. They store information about note pitch, duration, timing, and lyrics to generate synthesized vocals accurately.

While the exact technical details of the format are not publicly disclosed, VOCALOID2 provides an intuitive interface for users to create and edit these files.

Uses and Applications of VSQ Files

VSQ files find their primary application in the music industry, particularly in the creation of vocal tracks for songs.

Musicians and composers use them to design unique vocal performances, from pop songs to video game soundtracks.

Additionally, they are employed in various multimedia projects where synthesized vocals are required, adding a human touch to computer-generated voices.

Associated Software Programs

The primary software program associated with VSQ files is VOCALOID2. This software is widely used in the music production industry for creating synthesized vocals.

VOCALOID2 offers a user-friendly interface, an extensive library of virtual vocalists, and various tools for fine-tuning vocal performances.

While VOCALOID2 is paid software, it offers a trial version for those who want to explore its capabilities before purchasing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of VSQ Files


  • Precision: VSQ files allow for precise control over vocal melodies, enabling composers to achieve their desired vocal performances.
  • Flexibility: Users can edit notes and lyrics easily, making it possible to experiment and fine-tune vocal tracks.
  • Variety: With VOCALOID2, users have access to a wide range of virtual vocalists with distinct voices and styles.


  • Proprietary Format: VSQ files can only be fully edited and used within the VOCALOID2 software, limiting compatibility with other programs.
  • Learning Curve: For beginners, working with VSQ files and VOCALOID2 can be challenging, as it requires some knowledge of music composition and digital music production.
  • Resource-Intensive: Synthesizing vocals can be resource-intensive, and complex projects may require a powerful computer to run smoothly.


Comparing VSQ files to similar file extensions, it’s evident that they serve a unique purpose in the music production world:

  • MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): MIDI files contain musical notes and instructions but lack lyrics. They are more versatile for instrumentals and are widely supported across different software and hardware.
  • WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): WAV files are audio recordings and cannot be edited like VSQ files. They are the standard for storing high-quality audio and are commonly used for final mixes.
  • MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3): MP3 files are compressed audio formats suitable for distribution but are not editable like VSQ files. They are used for end-user consumption and streaming.

Troubleshooting VSQ Files

Working with VSQ files can sometimes lead to issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. VSQ File Won’t Open: Ensure that you have VOCALOID2 installed and that you are using the correct version compatible with your VSQ file.
  2. Audio Export Problems: If you encounter difficulties exporting your VSQ project as audio, double-check the export settings and file location.
  3. Performance Issues: If your computer struggles to run VOCALOID2 with larger projects, consider upgrading your hardware or simplifying your composition.

History of the VSQ File Extension

The VSQ file extension was introduced alongside VOCALOID2, a vocal synthesis software developed by Yamaha Corporation. Yamaha collaborated with various artists to create virtual vocalists with distinct personalities and vocal characteristics.

VSQ files became the standard format for composing and arranging vocal tracks using VOCALOID2’s innovative technology.

Over the years, VOCALOID technology has evolved, and subsequent versions, such as VOCALOID3 and VOCALOID4, have been released.

Each version has brought improvements in voice synthesis quality and user interface, but the fundamental concept of the VSQ file has remained constant.

Tips and Tricks for VSQ Files

To make the most of your VSQ files, consider the following tips:

  1. Experiment with Different Virtual Vocalists: VOCALOID2 offers a variety of virtual vocalists, each with its own unique style. Experimenting with different vocalists can add diversity to your compositions.
  2. Practice Vocal Tuning: Spend time fine-tuning vocal performances to make them sound more natural. Adjust note timings, dynamics, and expression to achieve the desired emotion in your songs.
  3. Back Up Your Projects: Regularly back up your VSQ projects to prevent data loss in case of software crashes or unexpected issues.

More Information

Let’s delve deeper into some additional aspects of VSQ files:

Notable Features of VSQ Files

  1. Lyric Synchronization: One of the standout features of VSQ files is their ability to synchronize lyrics with musical notes. Each note in a VSQ file corresponds to a specific syllable or word, allowing for precise control over the timing and pronunciation of lyrics. This feature is especially valuable for creating vocal performances that sound natural and expressive.
  2. Phonetic Information: VSQ files also store phonetic information, which defines how each syllable should be pronounced. This level of detail enables composers to fine-tune the articulation and phonetics of the synthesized vocals, enhancing realism and clarity.
  3. Expression Control: Beyond just notes and lyrics, VSQ files often include data for controlling the expressiveness of the synthesized vocals. This can encompass parameters such as pitch bends, vibrato, dynamics, and more. Composers can manipulate these parameters to imbue their vocal performances with emotion and character.

Collaborative Music Production

VSQ files have played a significant role in collaborative music production. Musicians, composers, and vocalists from different parts of the world can work together on a single project by sharing VSQ files.

This collaborative approach allows for the creation of songs where the lyrics and vocal melodies are contributed by various individuals, even if they are geographically separated.

It has facilitated the growth of online music communities and collaborations in the realm of vocal synthesis.

The Evolution of VOCALOID

While VOCALOID2 popularized the use of VSQ files, the VOCALOID technology has continued to advance. Subsequent versions, such as VOCALOID3 and VOCALOID4, introduced improvements in voice synthesis quality, additional virtual vocalists, and enhanced editing capabilities.

These newer versions often maintain compatibility with VSQ files, ensuring that older projects can be migrated to the latest software iterations.

Third-Party Tools and Plugins

The VOCALOID community has developed a variety of third-party tools and plugins designed to enhance the capabilities of VOCALOID software when working with VSQ files.

These tools may offer advanced note editing features, real-time performance adjustments, or additional virtual vocalists beyond those provided by the standard software package.

They cater to the diverse needs of composers and vocal synthesis enthusiasts, allowing for greater creativity and versatility.

Education and Tutorials

Given the complexity of working with VSQ files and VOCALOID software, there is a wealth of educational resources and tutorials available online.

Musicians and composers interested in diving into vocal synthesis can find tutorials covering topics such as note editing, lyric synchronization, vocal tuning, and more.

These resources help newcomers grasp the fundamentals and unlock the full potential of VSQ files in their music production journey.

Here are some types of resources you can find:

YouTube Tutorials: YouTube hosts a vast collection of video tutorials that cover various aspects of using VOCALOID software and working with VSQ files. You can find tutorials on topics like creating melodies, synchronizing lyrics, fine-tuning vocal expressions, and more. Many skilled VOCALOID users share their knowledge through detailed video guides.

VOCALOID Community Forums: Online forums dedicated to VOCALOID enthusiasts are excellent places to seek advice, share experiences, and find tutorials. Websites like VOCALOIDOtaku and Vocaloid Amino have dedicated sections for tutorials where community members share their insights and techniques.

Blogs and Websites: Some dedicated blogs and websites provide written tutorials, tips, and tricks for using VOCALOID software effectively. These resources often cover both beginner and advanced topics, catering to a wide range of users.

Official VOCALOID Documentation: The official VOCALOID website often provides documentation, guides, and FAQs that can help users understand the software’s features and functionality. This is a great place to start for comprehensive, reliable information.

Online Courses and Workshops: Some music production platforms and educational websites offer online courses and workshops specifically tailored to VOCALOID and VSQ file usage. These courses may include hands-on exercises and assignments to enhance your skills.

Social Media Groups: Platforms like Facebook and Reddit host VOCALOID-related groups where members share tutorials, ask questions, and collaborate. Joining these groups can be a valuable way to connect ith other users and access learning resources.

VOCALOID Producer Interviews: Occasionally, VOCALOID producers and composers share insights into their creative processes through interviews and blog posts. These resources can provide valuable inspiration and guidance for aspiring musicians.

VOCALOID Manuals: The VOCALOID software typically comes with user manuals or documentation that explains its features and functions. While these may not be as detailed as tutorials, they serve as essential references for understanding the software.

Online Courses on Music Production: While not specific to VOCALOID, general online courses on music production often cover topics related to digital audio workstations (DAWs), MIDI sequencing, and sound engineering. These skills can be valuable when working with VSQ files.

Expanding Horizons

The use of VSQ files extends beyond traditional music production. They have found applications in various creative endeavors, including:

  • Video Games: VSQ files have been used to create vocal tracks for video game soundtracks, enhancing the immersion and emotional impact of in-game music.
  • Anime and Vocaloid Culture: Vocaloid virtual singers, often powered by VSQ files, have gained popularity in anime series and internet culture. These virtual idols have their own dedicated fanbase and have even performed live concerts as holograms.
  • Voice Synthesis Research: VSQ files are also utilized in voice synthesis research, contributing to advancements in speech synthesis technology and natural language processing.


In the world of digital music creation, the VSQ file extension serves as the bridge between composers’ creativity and synthesized vocal performances. As an integral part of the VOCALOID2 software, VSQ files empower musicians to craft unique vocal melodies with precision and artistic expression.

While they have their advantages and limitations, VSQ files continue to play a significant role in modern music production, bringing synthesized vocals to life in a myriad of creative ways.

Whether you’re a seasoned music producer or a newcomer exploring the world of digital music composition, understanding and harnessing the power of VSQ files can open up new realms of creative possibilities.

Software Compatible With The VSQ File Type
VOCALOID2 Project File

In this section you will find a list of the best programs compatible with the VSQ file type. We've selected the best software for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux to open, edit, convert and view the contents of VSQ files.