What is an OSR file & how do I open an OSR file (osu! Replay File)?

.OSR (osu! Replay File) - File Extension

Developer: peppy
File format: Binary

What is an OSR file?

An OSR file is a file with the “.osr” extension that stores a replay of a gameplay session in osu!. This rhythm game challenges players to click or tap objects on the screen according to the beat of the music.

The OSR file captures the player’s input and timing during a specific song, allowing others to watch and analyze their performance.

It serves as a visual representation of the player’s actions and provides insights into their accuracy, precision, and rhythmical skills.

How to Open an OSR File

To open an OSR file, you will need osu!, the game for which the file format is primarily designed. Follow these steps to open an OSR file:

  1. Make sure you have osu! installed on your computer. If you don’t, you can download it from the official osu! website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  2. Launch osu! and navigate to the main menu.
  3. Click on the “Replays” tab, which resembles a film strip icon.
  4. In the replays menu, click on the “Import” button.
  5. Locate the OSR file you want to open using the file explorer.
  6. Select the file and click “Open” to import the replay into osu!
  7. Once the import is complete, you can find the replay listed in the replays menu. Double-click on the replay to watch it.

How to Convert an OSR File

Converting an OSR file to another format is not a typical requirement, as the file is primarily intended for use within osu! and its community. However, if you need to convert an OSR file to a different format or vice versa, you may face challenges since the file contains specific gameplay data that might not be compatible with other file types.

Nonetheless, with the help of third-party tools, it may be possible to convert OSR files to formats such as video files or GIFs. Here are some general steps to convert an OSR file:

  1. Identify the desired output format for the conversion. For example, if you wish to convert an OSR file to a video format, consider formats like MP4 or AVI.
  2. Search for third-party software or utilities that offer OSR file conversion capabilities. Some online converters or dedicated osu! community tools may be available.
  3. Download and install the chosen software or utility on your computer.
  4. Launch the conversion tool and follow its instructions to input the OSR file and specify the desired output format.
  5. Start the conversion process and wait for it to complete.
  6. Once the conversion is finished, you will have the file in the desired format, ready to be used or shared outside of osu!.

It is worth noting that the conversion process may result in the loss of certain gameplay details or quality, as the OSR file format is specifically tailored to capture osu! gameplay data.

Security Considerations: Are “.OSR” Files Safe?

OSR files themselves are not inherently unsafe. They do not contain executable code and are primarily used for sharing replays with other osu! players. However, as with any file type, it is important to exercise caution when downloading and opening OSR files from untrusted sources.

Malicious actors could potentially disguise harmful files as OSR replays, intending to exploit vulnerabilities or deliver malware.

To mitigate any potential security risks, it is advisable to only download OSR files from reliable sources, such as the official osu! website or trusted osu! community platforms. Additionally, ensure that you have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your computer to scan downloaded files for any potential threats.

Format Details for OSR Files

OSR files are specifically structured to store osu! gameplay data efficiently. While the exact details of the file format are not publicly disclosed, the data within an OSR file generally includes the following:

  • Player name: The username of the player who recorded the replay.
  • Date played: The date and time at which the gameplay session took place.
  • Song metadata: Information about the specific song being played, such as its title, artist, and difficulty settings.
  • Gameplay data: The precise timing and location of player input, including mouse clicks, slider movements, and key presses.
  • Scoring information: The score achieved by the player, including accuracy, hits, misses, and ranking.

The OSR file format optimizes storage by capturing the necessary data to accurately reproduce the gameplay session without unnecessary redundancy.

Uses and Applications of OSR Files

OSR files primarily serve as a means of sharing and reviewing gameplay experiences within the osu! community. Some common uses and applications of OSR files include:

  • Sharing replays with friends: Players can exchange their OSR files to showcase their performances, compete, or learn from one another.
  • Analysis and improvement: By reviewing OSR files, players can identify areas for improvement, compare their techniques with others, and strive to enhance their skills.
  • Spectating and streaming: OSR files can be used to spectate the replays of top-ranked players or streamers, allowing viewers to witness impressive performances and gain insights into high-level play.
  • Content creation: OSR files provide content creators with a source of material for creating osu! gameplay videos, highlight reels, or tutorials.

The flexibility and portability of OSR files enable osu! players to engage in a vibrant community that revolves around sharing and discussing gameplay experiences.

Associated Software Programs

The primary software program associated with OSR files is osu!, the rhythm game for which the file format was created. osu! is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, allowing players to record, share, and watch replays using the OSR file format.

Some alternative software programs may also support the playback of OSR files, though these may not provide the full range of features available within osu!.

However, when it comes to opening and fully utilizing the OSR file format, osu! is the most reliable and comprehensive option.

Advantages and Disadvantages of OSR Files

Like any file format, OSR files come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Compact size: OSR files are relatively small in size, making them easy to store and share.
  • Precise gameplay data: OSR files capture the player’s actions with high accuracy, allowing for detailed analysis and review.
  • Community engagement: The OSR file format promotes community interaction by facilitating the exchange and discussion of gameplay replays.


  • Limited compatibility: OSR files are primarily compatible with osu! and its associated software. They may not be directly usable on other programs or platforms.
  • Lack of accessibility: Non-players or individuals unfamiliar with osu! may have difficulty opening and understanding OSR files.
  • Potential data loss: Converting OSR files to other formats may result in the loss of certain gameplay details or quality.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of OSR files can help users make informed decisions regarding their usage and sharing within the osu! community.

Comparison: OSR Files vs. Similar File Extensions

While OSR files are unique to osu!, it’s worth comparing them to similar file extensions in terms of usage, size, quality, and compatibility.

One relevant comparison is with the more widely known MP4 video format, commonly used for sharing video content. Here’s a comparison between OSR files and MP4 files:

Usage: OSR files are primarily used for replay sharing and analysis within the osu! community, whereas MP4 files are commonly used for general video playback and distribution.

Size: OSR files are relatively small in size, while MP4 files can vary depending on the length and quality of the video.

Quality: OSR files capture precise gameplay data, offering insights into player performance. In contrast, MP4 files provide high-quality video and audio.

Compatibility: OSR files are primarily compatible with osu! and may not work with other programs or platforms. MP4 files, on the other hand, are widely supported by video players and platforms.

Accessibility: OSR files are mainly accessible within osu! and to players familiar with the game. MP4 files, however, are widely accessible across different devices and platforms.

While OSR files are tailored specifically to osu! gameplay data, MP4 files offer greater versatility and compatibility across various video playback platforms. It’s important to consider these differences when deciding which file format best suits your needs.

Troubleshooting OSR Files

Like any digital file, OSR files may encounter occasional issues or errors. Here are some common problems you may encounter when working with OSR files and their potential solutions:

  1. Cannot open the OSR file: Ensure that you have osu! installed on your computer and that the file is associated with the osu! program. If the issue persists, try restarting your computer and attempting to open the file again.
  2. Corrupted or incomplete OSR file: If the OSR file fails to open or appears to be corrupt, it may have been incompletely downloaded or improperly saved. Try re-downloading the file from a reliable source or asking the original sender to resend it.
  3. Compatibility issues: If you are attempting to open an OSR file from an older version of osu! with a newer version of the software, there may be compatibility issues. Ensure that you have the latest version of osu! installed and try opening the file again.
  4. Conversion errors: If you encounter errors while converting an OSR file to a different format, verify that you are using a reliable and up-to-date conversion tool. You may also want to try converting the file on a different computer to rule out any local issues.
  5. Playback or synchronization problems: If the replay within the OSR file does not play correctly or appears out of sync, it may indicate a problem with the recording or playback software. Try updating osu! to the latest version or seeking assistance from the osu! community forums.

If you encounter persistent issues with OSR files that you cannot resolve, reaching out to the osu! community or support channels may provide additional guidance and solutions.

History of the OSR File Extension

The OSR file extension was created by Dean “Peppy” Herbert as part of the osu! rhythm game project. Herbert developed osu! in 2007 as an open-source clone of the Nintendo DS game “Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan.”

As the game gained popularity, Herbert continued to refine and expand its features, including the introduction of the OSR file format to capture and share replays.

Since its inception, osu! has evolved into a vibrant community-driven game with millions of players worldwide. The OSR file format remains an integral part of osu!’s identity, allowing players to showcase their skills, learn from others, and contribute to the collaborative spirit of the game.

Tips and Tricks for OSR Files

To make the most of OSR files and enhance your osu! experience, consider the following tips and tricks:

  1. Share and receive replays: Exchange OSR files with friends and the osu! community to receive feedback, compare performances, and learn new techniques.
  2. Watch top-ranked players: Download and watch OSR files from top-ranked players to observe their strategies, improve your skills, and gain inspiration.
  3. Use dedicated replay viewers: Explore third-party replay viewer programs that offer additional features, such as overlaying hit error bars or analyzing keypress patterns.
  4. Participate in community events: Take part in osu! tournaments or community events where OSR files are frequently shared and discussed, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.
  5. Back up your replays: Regularly back up your OSR files to prevent loss due to computer crashes or accidental deletions. Store them in a separate folder, or consider using cloud storage services.

By leveraging these tips and tricks, you can maximize your engagement with osu! and the OSR file format, enriching your gameplay and involvement within the osu! community.


The OSR file extension plays a significant role in osu!, enabling players to record, share, and analyze their gameplay experiences. It captures the nuances of player input, timing, and scoring, allowing for precise replays and in-depth reviews. While primarily associated with osu!, OSR files offer a unique means of sharing and engaging with the osu! community.

In this article, we explored various aspects of OSR files, including their definition, how to open and convert them, security considerations, format details, uses and applications, associated software programs, advantages and disadvantages, troubleshooting tips, historical context, and helpful tips and tricks.

Understanding the OSR file extension empowers osu! players to fully utilize its capabilities and immerse themselves in the vibrant osu! community.

Software Compatible With The OSR File Type
osu! Replay File

In this section you will find a list of the best programs compatible with the OSR file type. We've selected the best software for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux to open, edit, convert and view the contents of OSR files.

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